Wednesday 27 March 2013


In last days class, we discussed cinema as an art form. It is the aesthetic communication through the design of time and 3D space compressed into a 2D image. It is interpretive storytelling--a message through spectacle and sound.
Assignment: It is said that the true art of cinema should not only entertain but should provoke thought and challenge the viewer with new ideas and images, and that this is happening less and less. Many movie directors and critics say that today the entertainment elements in a movie have increased and artistic expression is played down; that film have become products that are marketed - not art . Do you agree with this thought? What was the last movie you saw that challenged you to think about a new idea? What elements of the movie created the challenge for you?
I agree that in the movie making industry, films are now seen as a product for sale rather than an art piece for viewing. They are rarely now a way of expression for the creator, rather they are more of a money making scheme in my opinion. The last movie I saw that I'd say challenged me to think about a new idea was No Country for Old Men. Even though I didn't particularly enjoy this movie, the different camera angles and lighting used were intriguing. I was forced to look at things in new ways, such as seeing a scene through a peek hole. Lighting was also used in a very direct way to inform you who were the good and bad characters, illuminating the good and heavily shadowing the bad. There were many excellent camera shots and much thought put in to the actual filming of each scene. It is evident that every aspect was considered in an artistic way, something I don't normally see nor pay attention to in most movies as this quality is rarely present.

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